Knowledge Base& Science
Current situation
Annual research conducted by National Library of Poland shows that the percentage of Polish citizens who do not read books or any longer texts has been growing steadily in recent years. The current state of literacy in Poland is highly disturbing. Almost 60% people never reach for a book (in either paper or electronic form).
Parents are role models for their children. It means that the entire families where adults don’t read are excluded from the culture of books. The experiences of other countries show that reversing this trend is possible, but requires well-organized and long-term work. Projects helping to reach non-reading families and communities that do not have daily contact with books are urgently needed.
Various scientific studies agree independently that reading for pleasure is the key to success – to enable children of the modern world to develop their full potenctial. It is a proven way to equalise educational opportunities of the children with various backgrounds and for the society to raise informed, concious citizens in the future.
In Poland:
National Library Research current state of research
Zofia Zasacka's research Reading for children and young people download file
The impact of reading with commitment on the academic achievements of junior high school students download file
Research of the Polish Chamber of Books Directions and forms of reading transformation in Poland – analysis and continuation, 2015 download file
Presentation of the Polish Chamber of Books based on CBOS research download file
Nationwide research projects. Path to the reader. Diagnosis of the needs of children's recipients of cultural events, with particular emphasis on the promotion of reading. Agnieszka Karp-Szymańska, 2024 download file
In the world:
American Academy of Pediatrics position statement download file
Australian research A Survey of Australian Reading Habits download file, Kids & Family Reading Report download file
PISA research Reading for Change download file and Reading for Pleasure download file
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Research in the world
Readership studies are conducted by various institutions around the world. The results can be found on the following websites.
Literacy supporting initiatives
Promoting reading is a much-needed activity for the whole communities. Fortunately, many organisations, institutions and individuals are involved in actions, campaigns, events and other initiatives to promote literacy.