
Our cooperations

We would like readership in Poland to reach the level it reaches in many European countries: around 70-80%. Today, only a little over 40% of our population reads. Implementing this change is one of the most important and at the same time most difficult challenges of contemporary Poland. It requires joint intensive work of many forces and huge investments - and the future development of our country will depend on it. Increasing the reading population is today the Polish raison d'état. As a Foundation, we strive to introduce reading to the list of priorities of high-level decision-makers. We asked the Wife of the President of the Republic of Poland for a conversation and support for the topic, we provided consultations on building readership for the strategy for education prepared by Strategie Polska 2050, we developed substantive materials for local government officials of the Union of Polish Metropolises, we participate in the work and meetings of the Sejm subcommittee on reading and copyright.


Collaboration with EURead

One of the Foundation's tasks is to exchange ideas, experiences and international cooperation. That is why we have become a member of EURead – an association of 35 organizations from 23 European countries, operating locally to repair and promote reading. We are one of the signatories of the jointly developed statement on reading and reading skills.

Together we can do more

We share expert knowledge, help develop strategies, provide instructional materials, and invite you to cooperate! We believe that together we can do more. The group of people we work with includes representatives of politics, business, activists, people directly related to the topic, but also those among whom we want to draw attention to the problem of low levels of reading in Poland.

Together we can do more

Współpraca na rzecz czytelnictwa

Since its inception, the Universal Reading Foundation has been cooperating with institutions and people who want to contribute to achieving this goal. The environment in which we conduct discussions and exchange ideas on the subject of reading includes a wide range of foundations, representatives of business associations, many publishing houses, central and local government institutions.

Reach Out & Read
Reach Out & Read
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A foundation operating for over thirty years in the USA, which was the first to conduct a program to popularize reading through pediatricians. The founder of ROR, Dr. Barry Zuckerman, was the author of the idea to prescribe reading to children on a "prescription". ROR is an international partner of the Universal Reading Foundation.
Biblioteka Narodowa
National Library
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The National Library is one of the oldest cultural institutions in Poland. We want our projects to be based on scientific research, and thanks to the National Library we have access to the latest research conducted by professionals. We consult our ideas for project activities with its academic staff. The National Library is a patron of the Universal Reading Foundation campaigns.
Instytut Książki
Book Institute
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The Book Institute is a national cultural institution established by the Minister of Culture to promote Polish literature in the world and popularize books and reading in the country. It undertakes the extremely important campaign "Small Book, Great Man". We cooperate on projects related to the promotion of reading. The National Library is the patron of the campaigns of the Universal Reading Foundation.
Book Trust
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BookTrust is a non-governmental organisation responsible for programmes promoting reading among children in Great Britain. Their experience, gained over many years of running a campaign to distribute books to children immediately after birth and later: in nursery and school (Bookstart), is eagerly used by other pro-reading organisations from Europe. The Universal Reading Foundation also remains in contact with BookTrust, which is happy to share its experience.
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EUread is an institution that brings together European organizations promoting reading, as a foundation for development and a key to full participation in today's society. EuRead President Joerg F. Maas expressed his support for the Foundation for Universal Reading and the "Book on Prescription" project, and encouraged them to continue their activities. In 2023, FPC became a member of EURead.
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The Information Society Development Foundation was established in 2008, and its first task was to implement the nationwide Library Development Program, which became its flagship initiative. The project on which FRSI cooperates with FPC is "Para-Buch! Książka w ruch!". It is dedicated to promoting popular science literature among children and developing the habit of reading. In addition, we are jointly implementing the Books without Bordes project, the aim of which is to invite adults who have difficulty reading to the culture of books.
Szkoła Edukacji
School of Education
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The School of Education is a joint venture of the Polish-American Freedom Foundation and the University of Warsaw. Its main goal is to improve the quality of education in Poland. The School of Education is naturally involved in matters of reading, which is why it helped us organize Professor Zuckerman's visit to Poland.
Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny
Medical University of Warsaw
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The Medical University of Warsaw is an academic center with a 200-year history of teaching medicine. Thanks to the courtesy of the Medical University of Warsaw, we organized, under the honorary patronage of His Magnificence Rector, Prof. Dr. Hab. n. med. Mirosław Wielgoś, a meeting and discussion of the founder of Reach Out and Read, Prof. Barry Zuckerman, with Polish doctors, specialists in pediatrics and neonatology.
Centrum Edukacji Obywatelskiej
Center for Civic Education
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The Center for Civic Education is the largest public benefit organization in Poland. Its mission in the modern world is to promote wise education and new teaching methods. One of the areas of activity is to promote culture and participation in it. The CEO and I have established cooperation with the Center for Civic Education as part of the Night of Libraries project. It is important to us that the project focuses on promoting libraries also among people who do not usually visit them and often do not read books with children.
Kraków, KBF, Kraków Miasto Literatury UNESCO
Krakow, KBF, Krakow UNESCO City of Literature
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KBF - Krakow Festival Office - a municipal cultural institution whose main areas of activity are literature, film and music. Co-creates the Krakow UNESCO City of Literature program - which was the first city strategy in Poland to promote reading and support for creators and the local book market. We cooperate, among others, on the projects Supermoc książki and Polska Czytająca.
Wrocławski Dom Literatury, Wrocław Miasto Literatury UNESCO
Wrocław House of Literature, Wrocław UNESCO City of Literature
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Wrocławski Dom Literatury is an institution established as part of the European Capital of Culture Wrocław 2016. It organizes many literary and reading events and undertakings. Thanks to its activities, in 2019 Wrocław joined the UNESCO Creative Cities Network as a City of Literature, which supports local creative industries related to books, and develops a community around literary initiatives. With FPC, they co-create projects such as Supermoc Książek and Polska Czytająca.
Fundacja Olgi Tokarczuk
Olga Tokarczuk Foundation
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The aim of the Olga Tokarczuk Foundation is to promote culture and art, support the broadly understood protection of human rights, democracy, civil society, civil liberties, the environment, counteract discrimination, as well as women's rights and the development of Poland. The Foundation cooperates with the Wrocław House of Literature, and together with the FPC implements, among others, the project Supermoc Książek.
Fundacja Edico
Edico Foundation
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The aim of the Edico Foundation is education, transfer of knowledge and upbringing through art. The organization is actively involved in supporting the proper development of children using specific methods. One of them is the promotion of regular reading. Together we co-create, among others, the campaign Supermoc Książek #TataTeżCzyta.
Polska Izba Książki
Polish Chamber of Books
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The Polish Chamber of Books brings together many entities broadly related to the book market, emphasizing the need for cooperation between them. It actively participates in changes in the area of culture and education. It defines the too low level of reading in Poland as one of the greatest challenges. The main tasks of the Chamber include researching reading and searching for methods of effectively motivating Poles to read. Together we promote reading, among others as part of the Supermoc Książek campaign.
Unia Metropolii Polskich
Union of Polish Metropolises
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The Union of Polish Metropolises is an initiative that brings together the 12 largest cities in Poland, and its goal is to strengthen Poland's position in Europe and the world. Together, it supports development, regional structures and raises issues important for the development of cities and their residents. In 2022, together we created the #CzytanieRządzi campaign, the first powerful initiative of local governments in Poland for reading. Presidents and representatives of the authorities personally support its promotion by engaging in pro-reading activities.
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The IBBY organization is involved in the promotion of children's and youth literature. The Polish Section of IBBY - the Association of Friends of Books for the Young was established in 1974. In its activities, it promotes reading among young people. It is also an important source of data on the Polish children's and youth literature industry. IBBY supports our projects, including Ratownicy Czytelnictwa.
SP nr 33 im. Stanisława Ligonia w Katowicach
Primary School No. 33 named after Stanisław Ligoń in Katowice
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Primary School No. 33 with Bilingual Departments named after Stanisław Ligoń in Katowice is an institution that is actively involved in pro-reading activities. It was one of the organizers of the Reading Promotion Competition "CzytaMy", as part of the Reading Rescuers campaign. The support of the institution, as a representative of the school environment, is extremely important for the project and activities of the FPC.
Stowarzyszenie Bibliotekarzy Polskich
Association of Polish Librarians
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The Association of Polish Librarians is involved in supporting the activities of libraries and the entire library community. It is an organization with almost a hundred years of tradition, associating over 5.5 thousand people. Its mission is to raise the competences of librarians and develop libraries. It shares experiences with the Association of Polish Librarians and cooperates within the framework of the Book Superpower at Home.
Psychologia Edukacyjna
Educational Psychology
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Educational Psychology is an educational portal created by psychologists dedicated to topics related to education and raising children. Together we operate within the Reading Rescuers program, promoting reading among the youngest, including by recommending good books that are important for their proper development.
Tech To The Rescue
Tech To The Rescue
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Tech To The Rescue Foundation facilitates cooperation between technology companies and third sector entities that need IT support in developing projects. In its activities, it supports initiatives that address the most important challenges of modern society. It uses digital technologies to enable important and noble projects to increase their reach and impact. TttR decided to support FPC so that we can conduct activities promoting reading more widely and effectively.
Narodowe Centrum Kultury
National Center for Culture
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National Centre for Culture - a state institution which, in its activities for the development of culture, also deals with inspiring and supporting social movements and non-governmental organisations operating in the sphere of culture and national heritage. It implements projects promoting reading, such as National Reading and the National Reading Development Programme 2.0, which is also supported by the Universal Reading Foundation.
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The leader of the Polish pharmaceutical market and one of the leading drug manufacturers in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. It is part of a strong international pharmaceutical group offering modern drugs, substances and innovative solutions for patients and business partners from all over the world. 400 million packages of drugs leave its factories every year. The company's goal is to help people live healthily in a healthy world. Polpharma supports the "Book on prescription" campaign.