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Daddy Reads Too Socks


By buying this product you help! You support the Universal Reading Foundation. This is your contribution to the fight against reading exclusion and the promotion of reading in Poland. The #TataTeżCzyta campaign was created to encourage men, mainly fathers, to read to themselves and their children. Research shows that they currently do it much less often than women. By choosing a product with our slogan you help it reach even wider!

The socks were designed and manufactured in Poland.

For every pair of socks I also send a free paper version of the publication Supermoc Książek #TataTeżCzyta!

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#TataTeżCzyta is an important slogan. Today in Poland boys and men read much less than girls and women. One of the reasons is certainly the lack of a male reading role model – it is worth changing this. Dads, Uncles, Grandparents, Older Brothers, Caregivers, Trainers – read!
Every parent or guardian who reads regularly is the happiness and foundation of their child's future.