our projects


...because reading gives freedom

Sitting, lying down, standing. On the tram, in the waiting room, in bed. Read! To yourself and, above all, to your child. At every stage of their development.

Children whose parents read regularly already understand twice as many words as their peers by the age of three! Reading influences development, stimulates success in life. It allows to understand ourselves and others; to distance from the hardships of growing up. It provides knowledge which goes with empowerment. The #ReadingDad is an important call. Today in Poland, boys and men read far less than girls and women. Surely one of the reasons is the lack of a male reading role model - it is worth to change that. Dads, Uncles, Grandfathers, Big Brothers, Guardians, Coaches - read!

Every parent or guardian who reads regularly is a lucky person and the foundation of a child's future. In this booklet we show you why.

Download the e-book: The Superpower of Books #ReadingDad.

Find out what? how? why?

It is worth to read with your child


Ambassadors of the #ReadingDad campaign

Katarzyna Zielińska

Catherine Zielinska

mother, actress

Reading is a very important part of my profession, I live texts, as it were. But I also see how much they build our competences in establishing relationships, understanding people. In today's busy world, such a moment of stopping, with a child, reading and talking together, should be an important ritual for every dad. I totally support it.

Jan Dąbrowski

Jan Dabrowski

dad, youtuber, influencer

I read to my children because I like spending time with them and watching how their imagination works. Every parent should have such a habit - a nice shared moment of silence, closeness, which does not require any special effort from us. It is about being together and commitment, which children also reciprocate! It is really worth it - for the development of children, but also for strengthening our relationships. It is an obligation, but also a pleasure.

Joanna Flis

Joanna Flis

mother, psychologist, author of the podcast "Madame Monday - in an adult way"

Reading together with a child by a father or grandfather and the accompanying conversation around the story is invaluable. It builds a bond, creates a space for sharing emotions and dreams, provides common experiences. It is also a field for starting many important conversations about the world around children. It is difficult to express how fundamental this can be for the entire future of this relationship.

Piotr Stramowski

Piotr Stramowski

dad, actor

As a father, I know how important it is to spend quality time with a child. As an actor, I know the power of text and words. Reading together is not just about history and knowledge from books. It is also about conversation, emotions, building sensitivity and a strong bond with the child. For fathers, it is an extraordinary opportunity to participate in the development of children.

Anna Czartoryska-Niemczycka

Anna Czartoryska-Niemczycka

mother, actress, singer

I read to my children because I like spending time with them and watching how their imagination works. Every parent should have such a habit - a nice shared moment of silence, closeness, which does not require any special effort from us. It is about being together and commitment, which children also reciprocate! It is really worth it - for the development of children, but also for strengthening our relationships. It is an obligation, but also a pleasure.

Mateusz Banasiuk

Mateusz Banasiuk

dad, actor

Working with text and reading is part of my job as an actor, but it's also something I do for fun. I try to be a reading role model for my son, because reading develops, opens you to the world and people, makes you more sensitive, teaches you empathy. This is very important in raising children, in which fathers should actively participate!

Maciej Pertkiewicz

Maciej Pertkiewicz

father, architect, member of the "Our New Home" team

Reading is very important because it develops the imagination of the youngest, for which electronics are a huge threat today! The role of fathers is very important here. You have to find time to read to children and also show them a world other than the one they know from computers, tablets and smartphones. I encourage fathers to do this - I try to do it every day, just a moment and the children will be very grateful to you!

Łukasz Jurkowski

Lukasz Jurkowski

sports commentator and journalist, taekwondo and MMA competitor

My daughter is 13 and fortunately she likes to read. I think that the great value of reading to young children is, among other things, that they are more willing to read later. Instead of lulling children to sleep with a story on the phone, it is better to spend a moment reading the story. Firstly, we spend time with the child, if we give up on it, we will never make up for it later, and secondly, we "infect" children with reading books and this pays off in the future.

Michał Pol

Michael Pol

dad, journalist and sports commentator

I know how important it is to read books to children. My grandmothers read to me - it was a priceless live audiobook, I listened to the Trilogy and Greek Myths in this way - the fascination with this reading in particular has had a strong influence on my adult life. Thanks to this, I myself read to my children, with great pleasure - for me and for them! I encourage everyone to read and I fully support reading! #TataTeżCzyta

Tomasz Majewski

Tomasz Majewski

dad, athlete, sports activist

I am a reader myself and I also read books to my sons - for 11 years now. I know how important and cool it is. That is why encouraging others to do the same is completely natural and obvious to me. I am happy to support the #TataTeżCzyta campaign and I invite everyone to read - to themselves and to their children!

Tomasz Smokowski

Tomasz Smokowski

dad, journalist and sports commentator

I read to my sons and I can see from their example that reading together with children develops their later reading habits. Thanks to this, as teenagers and then adults, they are much more willing to reach for books. It is worth promoting reading, encouraging others to read and recommending valuable books. I do it with pleasure!

Adam Kotleszka

Adam Kotleszka

journalist and sports commentator

It would be nice to change the low reading statistics among men. Despite my notorious lack of time, I try to read as many books as possible and I recommend this to everyone instead of scrolling on the phone. It's a known fact that we can't get away from in these days, but you can change the ratio of time spent on both books and devices. It's a great exercise for the brain, it opens us up to the world, it broadens our horizons, but above all it's just great fun!

Magda Kordaszewska

Magda Kordaszewska

mother, therapist, internet creator "Zabawkowicz"

Reading together provides closeness, envelops the child in the soft voice of the parent, and at the same time is an opportunity to learn a lot. It is a priceless time of conversation on any topic. My son enforces the daily ritual of reading, for him it is an opportunity to ask - often difficult - questions. It is important and pleasant - I recommend it to all parents!

Artur Kurasiński

Artur Kurasinski

entrepreneur, creator, investor, observer and critic of technology-related phenomena

Having observed and explained for years the impact of technology on our lives, I appreciate the role of books and reading. I am also an author myself and I believe that in addition to being readers ourselves, we should also educate future readers. Leaders, leading entrepreneurs, the most desirable employees - they must read! I read and think - that's what Warren Buffet said. I encourage this as an expert, but also as a father of two daughters.

Kamil Nowak

Kamil Nowak

author of the blog BlogOjciec (blogojciec.pl), husband, father of three children and educator

Just because our child has acquired the ability to read, it does not mean that they will use this ability. If we want our children to see the true value hidden in books, we must show them this ourselves.

Marcin Perfuński

Marcin Perfuński

radio journalist, editor, author of the blog supertata.tv

It doesn't matter that, for example, you have teenagers at home who recently picked up a book when you needed to put something under the crooked leg of the table on which the computer stands. It turns out that it's worth reading even to them, because it pays off in family relationships. Information confirmed by science!

Robert Halik

Robert Halik

editor-in-chief of the monthly magazine Bliżej Przedszkola

I used to read (I have teenage and adult children) books to my children just before they fell asleep. I loved this ritual - I'm sure the children did too. Closeness, tenderness, hugging... A moment of conversation, questions, sometimes completely unexpected, sometimes difficult. And you know what? I would like to go back to these moments, I would like them to be more, longer... These are priceless moments!

Krystian Karcz

Krystian Karcz

dad, author of the profile "I teach to philosophize"

Reading together, reflecting, asking questions, and investigating with children is an ideal way to build good relationships with parents and create good conditions for emotional, intellectual, and cognitive development. Every loving parent wishes this for their child. I read to my children every day. I would like children to build deep relationships with their parents through reading together.

dr Kamil Janowicz

Dr. Kamil Janowicz

psychologist, researcher, author of the Father_ing blog

On vacation, the whole family would often just lie on the terrace or in a hammock and read their own books. And during sightseeing trips, each of us would take a few books so that we would have something to read on the bus. Today, when we meet, Dad often says to me, "I've recently read such a good book... I highly recommend it!" For example, during the May Day weekend, I borrowed "Gra w Kości" by Elżbieta Cherezińska from him and I had great pleasure reading it. Books (very different ones) have accompanied me and have accompanied me for many years. A huge part of my scientific and professional work is reading. I also read a lot with my son. He loves it and often brings me books himself, saying, "Dad, he's reading!"

Wiesław Nowobilski

Wieslaw Nowobilski

head of the renovation team of the "Our New Home" program

When I was little, books weren't as colorful as they are now and it wasn't as easy to buy them, but I remember the intriguing smell of a bookstore and new books. At home, my mother mostly read to us, I really enjoyed these moments together and I think it's a great way to build a relationship with a child, also through fathers or grandfathers. I myself read to my grandchildren with pleasure whenever I have time. I like it and I highly recommend it to everyone!

Łukasz Dominiak

Lukasz Dominiak

Dad-instagramer "Who's Your Daddy"

I am very happy to be taking part in the #TataTeżCzyta campaign, because books are an important thing. I come from a small town, so books were a window to the world for me. A book is also a story, I feel after each one I read that it has brought something new to my life, and that is great. I think reading to children is also a way to build authority in the good sense: Dad reads, dad knows, dad is someone I saw reading when I was growing up. Apart from the fact that reading stimulates the imagination, it contributes to many discussions with children and building closeness.

Resource Library

Support the #ReadingDad campaign by sharing it on your social media. Check out the materials available for sharing. All the materials avaliable in Polish.

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#ReadingDad collection

Shirt Fairytale land or socks The Superpower of Books is the perfect gift that a reading dad will wear with pride. We invite you to check out our collection of clothes and gadgets that nadwyraz.com prepared on the occasion of the launch of the #ReadingDad (#TataTeżCzyta2024) campaign.

Use code FPC20

#ReadingDad at the Library

Today in Poland boys and men read much less than girls and women. One of the reasons for that is certainly the lack of a male-reader role model – we want to change that!

  • Place a poster in your community
  • Hand out or recommend our brochure The Superpower of Books #ReadingDad online
  • Use dedicated lesson scenarios, celebrate Father's Day with books, organize a meeting for children or other

You can download the materials for free.