our projects

The Superpower Of Books
at Home


What benefits do children gain from parents reading to them?

  • They learn to speak faster, and later to read and write, because reading is an excellent method of developing language.
  • They can build relationships with other people more easily. A bond is created between the adult who reads and the child who listens, which pays off in the future.
  • They learn critical thinking more easily because reading stimulates the brain and allows for the creation of new neural connections.
supermoc książek

Did you know that...

Materiały w języku ukraińskim

#SupermocKsiążek w Domu można pobrać także w języku ukraińskim – chcemy, aby poradnik był szeroko dostępny dla rodzin i dzieci ukraińskojęzycznych. 


Children whose parents regularly read books to them know this many more words than their peers.


This is how much the stress level in children decreases after the first 6 minutes of reading

0 Minutes

daily reading is enough for a student to learn 1.8 million new words in a year and achieve a result at the 90th percentile in exams


Educational material for parents and children

To make reading a good practice in every home, we have prepared the Little Reader's Diary, along with rules on how to read with your child?

Reading reduces social exclusion

According to research published in 2011, if a student likes to read (reads for pleasure), this has a greater impact on their educational success than their socioeconomic background. In other words, it has been proven that social inequalities can be reduced, that reading books has this extraordinary power.

Let's work together to make books appear in every home.

If promoting reading is important to you, you can support us by becoming our patron. Visit our account at patronite.pl

Thanks to this, we have the opportunity to develop and operate.

The project was created due to the cooperation and support of