our projects



The condition for equal opportunities for every child

czytająca szkoła

"Reading School" is a vision in which:

– every child has a real chance of success in their chosen field,

– teachers in cooperation with parents concentrate their efforts where they are needed and achieve a common, well-defined goal,

– the management, in exercising its leadership role, celebrates the successes achieved by the school community.

We believe that a reading school is a fully achievable vision.
We invite you to read!

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about the authors

Authors of the publication

Reading School was written by an unusual team of authors: academic lecturers and business representatives, teachers and representatives of non-governmental organizations and cultural institutions, who together created and wrote down the vision of a school raising children in a reading ecosystem.

Dr. Kinga Bialek

Dr. Kinga Białek – doctor of Polish studies, Hebraist. Since 2015, a teacher of Polish literature and language and a tutor at the School of Education of the Polish AfW and the University of Warsaw, where since 2019 she has co-run "Krytyczne Czytanie ze Szkołą Edukacji", supporting work with reading at school. Member of the PISA, PIRLS, Diagnosis of third-grade students' competences research teams, School of Independent Thinking, collaborator of the Institute of Educational Research, Central Examination Board, Center for Education Development and the Mazovian Self-Government Center for Teacher Training, Ministry of National Education.

Prof. Krzysztof Biedrzycki

Prof. Krzysztof Biedrzycki – Polish philologist, habilitated doctor of humanities, professor at the Department of Contemporary Criticism at the Faculty of Polish Studies of the Jagiellonian University, professor at the Institute of Educational Research. Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Center for Research on Children's and Youth Literature at the Faculty of Polish Studies of the Jagiellonian University and member of the Board of the Center for Educational Research and Continuing Education at the Faculty of Polish Studies of the Jagiellonian University.

Maria Deskur

Maria Deskur – expert in popularizing reading, publisher, co-founder and president of the Powszechnego Czytania Foundation. Graduate of Romance studies at the Jagiellonian University, French literature at the Sorbonne and social communication at the Lumiere University in Lyon. Initiator of the “Czytam sobie” series, author of the “Supermoc książki” guide, co-author of the guides “Supermocni książki w przedszkolu” and “Supermocni książki. Tata też czyta” (Super Power of Books. Dad Also Reads). Long-time managing director of the Egmont and Burda book publishing houses, co-founder of the Muchomor publishing house.

2005: London Book Fair International Young Publisher of the Year Award
2019: Zwyrtała Award for the best idea for promoting reading for the project "Prescription Book"
2023: Invitation to join an international group of social innovators: Ashoka Fellow.

Dr. Joanna Dobkowska

Dr Joanna Dobkowska – assistant professor and researcher at the Faculty of Pedagogy of the University of Warsaw. Primary school teacher and methodologist. Author of scientific articles and methodological publications for teachers. Member of research teams in Polish and international research projects. MEN expert in the field of Polish language. Member of the Didactic Team of the Council for the Polish Language at the Polish Academy of Sciences. Scientifically deals with the development of communicative competence, as well as intercultural education and bilingualism.

Agnieszka Karp-Szymańska

Agnieszka Karp-Szymańska – Polish philologist, graduate of postgraduate studies in cultural management, literature for children and young people, and experience design. As a User Experience Designer, she specializes in researching needs also in the field of culture. Cultural animator, creator and co-owner of the CzasDzieci.pl portal, as well as founder and board member of the Czas Dzieci Foundation, which promotes reading among the youngest. Director of the Intergenerational Festival of Children's Literature — Ojce i Dziatki. Initiator of the “Ostro Dyżur Literacki” campaign and podcast. Expert, substantive consultant, member of competition juries. Permanently cooperates with the magazines “Newsweek Psychologia Dzieci” and “Newsweek Psychologia Nastolatka”.

2022: PTWK Centenary Diploma in recognition of the contribution to the development and importance of Polish
2022: Ministry of Culture and National Heritage Scholarship for the Promotion of Culture for 2023
2024: PTWK Ikar Award in the category "popularizer of books and reading"

Wioletta Maciejewska

Wioletta Maciejewska – graduate of library science and information science at the University of Wrocław. A high school librarian for over 20 years. An ardent advocate of reading at any age, involved in numerous local projects to support reading. Member of the VI High School team in Wrocław.

Karina Mucha

Karina Mucha – psychologist and academic lecturer, author of textbooks for early school and preschool education, popularizer of reading. Graduate of the Jagiellonian University and the University of Warsaw. Lecturer at the Jagiellonian University and SWPS, lectures for teachers and school principals; provincial coordinator of the ABCXXI Foundation – All Poland Reads to Children, member of the Polish Section of IBBY. Co-organizer of the National Competition Promoting Reading “CzytaMY”. Owner of the company Psychologia Edukacyjna.

2007: Order of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage "For Merit to Polish Culture" for popularizing reading
among children and teachers
2022: Karyatid of Reading Award

Edyta Plich

Edyta Plich – Polish philologist, educator, career counselor. Graduate of Polish Philology at the University of Warsaw, postgraduate studies in human resources management at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Warsaw, and education policy and management at the Faculty of Pedagogy at the University of Warsaw. Director of the Society of Intelligent Youth (TIM), President of the Foundation for Supporting Youth in Science “Edico”. Long-time director of one of Warsaw’s junior high and high schools. Author of PWN teaching materials and co-author of the Senior Calendar. In 2006, her class achieved the best final exam result in the Mazovian province. Co-creator of the Alternative Reading List project. Co-author of the publication “Superpower of books. Dad also reads”.

2023: Caryatid Reading Award.

Agnieszka Rasinska-Bóbr

Agnieszka Rasińska-Bóbr – cultural manager since 2001 associated with the promotion of Polish literature and reading in the Literary Team of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute, later transformed into the Book Institute. For several years she worked in the Literary Department of the Krakow Festival Office, where she co-created the program of Krakow – UNESCO City of Literature, including the Conrad Festival. In the years 2022-2024 a member of the coordinating team of the Reading Poland Coalition. Since June 2024 deputy director for programming at the Book Institute.

Aleksandra Ruszkowska

Aleksandra Ruszkowska – art historian, museum educator, bibliotherapist, graduate of postgraduate studies in publishing policy and bookselling. Associated with the publishing market for 20 years, with Grupa Wydawnicza Relacja for seven years, where she manages the promotion department. Involved in local activities supporting reading. Deals with educational projects and cooperation with libraries, cultural institutions and schools.


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