our projects

on Prescription

Book on Prescription. Prescription for Success.

It is a project integrating the promotion of the reading habit among children into preventive medicine. Its premise is the recommendation of daily reading to children, their parents and caregivers made by medical staff.

The programme aims to promote health and proper emotional and intellectual development of the youngest. Reading aloud to children every day and talking to them, is an inalienable foundation for their emotional stability, social competence and intellectual development.

Introducing such a habit from birth yields tangible results! We want the level of mental health of Polish people to be better in 10 years' time, business and science to develop faster and our elites to be more visible!


Health and proper development of our children

Book on Prescription. Prescription for Success.

The project is being implemented in selected paediatric outpatient clinics, hospitals and doctors' offices in Poland. During follow-up visits to healthy children's clinics, neonatologists, paediatricians, nurses and midwives recommend parents reading aloud to their children from birth, handing out a customized ‘prescription’. They explain them the great importance of reading and its impact on childrens' healthy development and their chances for success in the future.

The idea is based on mechanisms successful implemented in other countries. 20 years ago, paediatricians at Boston Medical Center started prescribing reading as a part of medical prevention. After a few years, the developmental outcomes of children under their care increased noticeably - above average. Therefore, it has been proven that recommending daily reading to children has an effect. For parents, the neonatologist, paediatrician, nurse or midwife as well as the rest of medical staff are great authorities. Their recommendation is much more persuasive and effective than other methods of reaching non-reading families.

The project 'Books on Prescription. A prescription for success', is the first step towards involving a completely different group of professionals in the promotion of reading.