Meet our team

Maria Deskur

President of the Board of the Universal Reading Foundation, book publisher since 2002; reading promotion acitivist, winner of the Zwyrtała 2019 award for best reading promotion project author of the „SuperPower of Books, A Handbook for Promoting Reading”.

Grzegorz Majerowicz

Lawyer, graduate of the University of Warsaw, bookseller and publisher, vice president of the Polish Book Chamber, co-founder and board member of the Universal Reading Foundation.

Katarzyna Konopka

Project manager at URF, graduate of journalism, publisher and marketing specialist. She worked in the marketing departments of the Znak and Egmont publishing houses. For several years she had benn working at the Consulate General in New York, supporting Polish Community Abroad. As a publisher, she was responsible for children's books at the Słowne publishing house.

Monika Skórka-Kaniewska

Coordinator of the Foundation's projects, investment specialist, graduate of economics. For many years she had been working in the banking sector, and was responsible for contacts with business clients.

Aleksandra Strzelecka

Communication and media specialist at the URF, graduate of journalism and sociology. She specializes in integrated communication. For several years, she has been involved in content creation, communication planning and building Social Media strategies for companies and organizations, as well as training in this area.

Agnieszka Nyc

Project manager, graduate of the University of Warsaw, publisher by education, marketer by profession. She has worked at several marketing agencies and the Egmont Publishing House, where she was responsible, among other things, for the reading promotion campaigns aimed at parents, schools and libraries.


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